I hope everyone had a Wonderful Christmas with time well spent with your family and friends!!
I had a few pictures I would like to share with you of some of my family. This is my brother and I here.

This is my Aunt Rosie and Uncle Wilburn along with my brother and I. This is one of my dad's brothers. My parents are gone and have been for many years now so I just have some family on my dad's side left.

This is my Aunt Pearl and Uncle Tom along with my cousin Kathy from S Carolina. Kathy's parents are in the picture above. My Aunt Pearl and Uncle Tom were in a very bad car wreck several weeks ago, my Aunt is doing pretty well right now some trouble with her back but my Uncle Tom, broke his breast bone and has had some other serious injury's, so he is very slowly on the mend and is not getting around so well. Uncle Tom is my dad's other brother and he looks soooo much like my father. Today would of been my father's birthday, he would of been 83. Happy Birthday Dad!!

This is a picture of me with my Aunt and Uncle, We had to set him down he got a little dizzy, he is just not up to pare at all.

Now this is my cousin Kathy with her parents and my brother in the back.

And here is my daughter Rachelle with her husband Jeremy and son Nathaniel and daughter Kirstie. This was at the there church Christmas Eve where my granddaughter had her program.

And here is Kirstie singing at her program, the church is huge so we were so far away from her so this picture sure didn't turn out very well.

Well I hope you all had a wonderful time with your family.I know I did and so hated to see my cousin leave yesterday, I always have a blast when she is in.
I also want to thank each and everyone of you for always visiting me and leaving comments and also for all of you that email me with your lovely comments. It so means the world to me and I so appreciate it so much. I know I have not been a good blogger and I am so sorry for that I do try to visit you every chance I get but working the hours we have worked this year has not left much time for the fun things. We are all waiting to see what the New Year brings to us as far as hours and work.
Thanks for stopping by and big hugs!!!!!!!!!!!