Wednesday, December 16, 2009

My oldest Grandson

I hope this scheduled post goes off today as it was a rush job but just wanted to show you the pic's of my oldest grandson Dyllon. He is wrestling now at school and they had a match in the town I work in last night so Grandma just had to go watch him. I have to say it sure made my stomach ache lol To stressful for me to watch to many of them lol

Dyllon is in the blue and yellow outfit, he was wrestling for Brown County, Indiana. Man my boy is growing up soooooo fast he is a young man now.
Thanks for stopping bye to look. Hugs


  1. gosh, I can just imagine Grandma wincing! but your Grandson looks a fine, muscular young man, quite able to take care of himself! lovely to see bits of your world ;o)

  2. I can so relate to your post today. I usually don't comment on blogs but my grandson was a wrestler for 3 years in high school. It is so intense because it's so personal. You keep asking yourself why the ref doesn't stop a match because you just know someone is going to end up hurt. But we made it and my grandson loved it. In those three years he grew from a boy to a young man...All the best to you and your family...

  3. Oh a grandma my self I can only imagine the pride and the worry all at one of you to share your pics of him.x


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Sending Big Hugs ((((((((((()))))))))))))))))